Notes From West Mountain                        The Rev. Mark Diters

“Jesus answered, ‘You say that I am a king. For this, I was born and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth…” Pilate asked him, “What is truth?” 

A recent Christian Century cartoon depicts a man and a woman sitting on a couch together on a tiny desert island. There is one palm tree in the middle and a wide ocean surrounding them. And making it worse, just off the shore half a dozen shark fins are circling. And the caption reads, “Couldn’t we talk about something else?”

Years ago, I threatened no one in particular with the idea that I was writing a book and its title would be “It’s Always Lunchtime for Sharks”. Because really, isn’t that the truth? And I wanted to write about the truth.

What is the truth today? It is so clear that this pandemic thus far has leveled our preconceptions as to what is normal. And each of us has a story to tell as to how our worlds have been turned upside down. Our sense of time has been confused, our routines uprooted, and our connections have been largely familial, virtual, or absent.

But getting back to the sharks, 2020 has kind of felt like it is for that poor couple on the island. It seems that all around us there are feeding predators relentlessly circling. And it draws our attention. But at the same time, we are absolutely sick and tired of focusing so intently on them.

The truth is life will not return to how it “was”. It never really can, but the universal quarantine has clearly marked a time when everything shifted and shut down. And in time we will have new choices before us as regarding using our time, our gifts, and utilizing our treasure. It is a gift.

But it is a gift yet unopened. And there is no peeking. However, one way to move forwards is to turn our attention to what is feeding us rather than what is feeding on us.

So, I ask, what is feeding you? What sparks creativity? What leads us to curiosity? What soothes and comforts us?

Writing to the Philippians Paul affirms, “Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things…” (4:8) 

Think on these things…peace


Regathering as a Congregation

Hopes are high in many circles that opportunities for social interactions might soon become feasible. Our church council has been keeping abreast of the information available and the guidance that is being offered by wider church bodies and other authorities. Last week there was an email poll asking what members and friends thought of holding an outdoor service on July 5th or shortly thereafter. About a fifth of the congregation responded. And of those who did answer: eleven said yes, (with some conditions), five said a flat no, and five more said they were unsure.

Council concluded that it would be wise to continue conducting our current services and other functions virtually for the time being. We are researching what needs to be in place for outdoor services as well as looking into town ordinances that might be involved. We are hopeful that before summer and its agreeable weather passes, we will gather.

July & August Second Mile Offering: Greater Hartford Chapter of the National Black MBA Association, Inc. 

During this historic time, Flagg Road UCC will continue to support racial justice in a variety of ways. This summer, the Second Mile Offering will contribute to NBMBAA-Hartford Chapter.

“The Greater Hartford Chapter of NBMBAA® is a non-profit organization that develops and executes programs designed to promote economic and intellectual wealth for the Connecticut and Western Massachusetts African-American community. The organization consists of MBAs, business professionals, entrepreneurs, and MBA students that work in both the private and public sectors. The members of the Greater Hartford Chapter share a commitment to education and business – the two principal keys to the economic development of the African American community.”

In an effort to make a real change, consider donating to an organization that strives to create racial justice through a national network, with the goal to enable professional development and economic empowerment. They have a comprehensive website outlining the wide scope of their programs, events, and resources. Check out the link below:

NBMBAA® Hartford Chapter – NBMBAA