Youth Group Adventures

Our Youth Group was created for 6th-12th graders, allowing the opportunity for the youth and their friends to provide community service, enjoy each other’s company through local adventures, and participate in mission trips. 

Our community service has included such activities as helping seniors, fundraising for local, national and worldwide charities. It ranges from serving at soup kitchens to helping with ReBuilding Together Hartford. We also helped to raise money to fund two arks through Heifer International! That is a real feat for a small church such as ours. All the projects are incredibly rewarding; it always feels good to “give back!”

Our mission trips — sometimes local and sometimes involving travel out-of-state —  are the highlight of our year. Our youth have spent week-long service sessions working with children in Hartford, helping with housing repair in Appalachia, rebuilding the New Jersey shoreline houses after Storm Sandy,  and volunteering in local organizations during a week-long trip to Washington, D.C. 

We are planning another trip to D.C. in the Summer of 2020. Many long-lasting friendships are formed through these trips, as well as through dinner and movie nights, overnights, sporting events, game nights, and more.

The group typically meets once a month at a time that works best for the majority of the members. Under the guidance of the Youth Group Leader, they form consensus and plan all of their activities together. In so many ways, the activities truly are developed by the members and for the members. We encourage and welcome all new members, and we hope you come and check us out!