A Call to Share Our Gifts with Others
We are committed to being a loving place in which to develop our gifts and the ability to share them. Our faith development and continuing education are wedded with our call to mission and loving service.
We believe that our spirituality is both deepened and nurtured through our individual growth as well as to our connections with others. We share in a variety of learning and service opportunities, the two complementing and informing one another and, in turn, addressing fundamental needs.
We recently played a fundamental role in bringing a refugee family from Syria and assisting and preparing that family to thrive in their new home. We are actively engaged with a number of mission efforts both within and outside of the ministries of the United Church of Christ. We actively seek out interfaith opportunities in which to extend loving regard and embrace the knowledge we gain from others while doing God’s work.
Mission trips, assisting local mission efforts, book studies, film series, prayer, and study all have a role in our experience of loving Christian engagement.